2016/06/17 06:24:40
Based on Judging Minutes Motif Batik Design Competition organized by the Cultural Institute of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, champion determined as follows:
Name : Syariful Latief
Programs : Communication Studies The Meaning of Philosophy: Batik motifs I created oriented image patterns sailboat. I associate it with one of the pearl Arabic word which reads “Tarju an-najaat wa lam tasluk masaalikahaa, Inna as-safiinah la tajrii ala al-yabas”. Which have meaning as follows, if you (you) expect to be successful but did not take the course is tantamount to nonsense, real sailing ship (the Ark) not sailing on land. The words are the basis of the philosophy that I make batik motifs. Then it can be described that everyone who wants success, including the UMM campus should be the path that has been determined and is always consistent, though only by one point only (Muhammadiyah / Private). Roads may be one, but effective and have many goals to achieve. UMM already has a road to success, namely the potential of students and organizations that exist in it, live how to optimize the potential that already exists. UMM should remain firm at its founding and is always consistent in the way that already exists, which is still based on the teachings of Islam. In other words from UMM to Muhammadiyah, "from Muhammadiyah to the Nation". Although the private campus identity, but dare to compete in national and even international level. Figure anchors exist in part my motive ship analogy as "Islamic values" that serves as a brake on ford the swift currents of globalization, so that remains a leading campus without regard to the values of Islam that exist. UMM campus identity I draw on the screen in the form of writing UMM surrounded by tiny dots of yellow numbered 12, an analogy I like the amount of sunlight that is the logo of the Muhammadiyah, which meant that the Muhammadiyah was established in 1912, precisely on the 18th november. Arabic writing is on the part of this motif I write because it is a philosophy of making this motif. Motive waves that exist under the heading of arabic I am referring to as a sea of (road), then I give a sketch drawing of sunlight in the Shelah-selahnya, it can be interpreted that way of UMM is the Muhammadiyah. In addition to strengthening the identity of the Muhammadiyah are attached to the UMM campus. |
Name : Gygas Juni Pratama Programs : Electrical Engineering The Meaning of Philosophy:
Name : Mirtha Errinda Ardiana Programs : Mathematics & Computing/FKIP The Meaning of Philosophy
Apple, If someone wants to get a sweet apple, that person must be willing to climb a tree until the branch above. For what? Because of the sweet apple grows on a branch above. If a person decides to pick apples in a low branch, then that person will only get the apple with the sweet taste ordinary.
This illustrates, that to achieve goals - high goals which required a struggle and sacrifice.
Leaves Apples, Complementary apple tree that serves to absorb nutrients that are sent by the root. Having a sense, if we want to achieve something there is a lot of science that must be absorbed from the experts. As life on campus, where we are today are absorbing as much knowledge as possible from our mentors will be able to bear fruit for a sweet for the future.
Name : Indah Wati Dewi Programs : Mathematics Education The Meaning of Philosophy:
Batik is an exotic cultural heritage. Philosophy of batik which I picture is the red color symbolizes courage in batik is. It symbolizes the courage to tell the Truth, says honesty. notabennya as a student who is the successor to the future of the nation and agents of change then we must dare to say who is right and dared to dream and be a great person to develop the nation and the State. Dare to change that is not good. And the courage it starts from now when we are still a student.
Butterfly motif philosophy that man is alive in order to take lessons from the events of the butterfly. The butterfly is like a teenager, her life was free to go to and fro like a no-load. Full color, style of expression. And that should be copied from the butterfly is its lightweight, lightweight hands (mild wings), mild self, light energy (light energy), with her mild nature instead of high terbnag bring beauty and elegance he dazzle anyone. Why the butterfly could give good? Because the daily intake of honey is also good. That youthful students and honey one of them is the campus environment and what is on campus. Such as the UMM campus. Flowers that have petals symbolize the five and six basis and foundation or roots in our lives. The five pillars of Islam and six are the pillars of faith. And the color green is the color that symbolizes peace in Islam. As our university campus Muhammadiyah Malang. Yang berpahamislam peace-loving and beautiful. The leaves of the binding of petals symbolize mahsiswa expected to make the five pillars of Islam and the six pillars of faith will be the basis in kehiduapan on or when the students already menyelaesaikan studies. So that graduates are useful and beneficial for many people. |
Delivery of prize will be conducted at:
Day, Date : Saturday, April 16, 2011
along with a discussion about cultural studies "Developing Enterpreneurship Culture Among University Students"Time : 08.30
Presenter : Bapak Drs. Mursidi, MM
Place : In the Hall of the Faculty of Economics Level 1 GKB 2 Campus 3 UMM |