Cultural Institution Cooperation Program / Cooperation Probing :
Cooperation with the city government of Batu c.q. Bappeda Batu through continuous research: Empowerment of Cultural Crops Capital and Complement of Batu society custom to Culture Based Welfare.
Probing of Cooperation with foreign country cooperated with Rector assistant in Foreign Cooperation.
Cooperation with LIPI Jakarta through ICPAS (The International Center for Prohistoric and Austronesian Studies).
Cooperation with Diknas Malang through vernacular teacher refreshing program (SD and SMP) Malang City as the enrichment of cultural value based on local wisdom on teaching process in school.
Cooperation with CCCL/ consulate general of France in Surabaya.
Cooperation with PEPADI Malang in the meeting of dalang throughout Malang raya with a theme ”Pedalangan Corak Malangan dan Identitas Kejiwaan, Solusi revitalisasi Seni pedalangan”.